

We have setup cluster of computers with NVIDIA graphic card (CUDA) in each of them with the ultimate aim and purpose to hack any password (WPA included). We are also fortunate to have been attached and associated with local universities that made available to us their main frame computer to conduct our R&D.

At the moment, WPA password below 15 characters might get cracked. We will improve our computational power and overcome that limitation once we commit more hardware to the project from other institutions.

The workload are evenly distributed among these computers (clusters and mainframe) where each computer will only responsible for a specific group of wordlist consist of digit, uppercase, lowercase, special characters and combinations of them and so forth. Thus, making the cracking process so much more faster and feasible.

The wordlist was generated by our hash script for password under ASCII code.

Other similar online crack WPA password services were also provided; for a nominal fee, by our collegue pureh@te and Moxie Marlinspike.

The mathematics of permutation:

x= number of letter to choose from
y= length of password

Q: How many 2 length password can be formed using letter A,B,C (repetition allow) ?
A: 3^2 = 9 (AA,AB,AC,BA,BB,BC,CA,CB,CC)

You are welcome to submit your WPA handshake cap file for us to crack your WPA cap handshake using our system on 'first come first serve basis'. We will tell you the WPA password within 7 days.

Kindly compose an email using following format and send it to us for processing (click to see the request code):